Monday, February 25, 2008

Letter Two of Screwtape Letters

I chose to talk about the second letter of The Screwtape Letters because it was after the initial set up of the relationship Screwtape and Wormwood have with each other. I think the way C.S. Lewis writes is extremely entertaining and engages me into a topic I am unsure if I would typically be interested in. However the first couple of letters left me greatly confused as to what was going on. I think I am picking up on that the overall theme is that of more of a satire but the language used often confuses me. I think some of the issues he addresses are very important in religion and individuals struggles to have a faith. This chapter focuses on one of their great allies being the Church itself. I have not been a practicing Catholic in quite some time, but when I did attend Church I remember finding it very hard to fully be engaged in what was going on. I think it was extremely interesting when saying that everything the humans say, even on their knees, is 'parrot talk'. I myself grow skeptical that religion overall has become routine and rehearsed so I can follow his thoughts here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with your thoughts. I cannot find myself fully focused in church either. It does interest me, and I have always gone to church. But if I am not fully into what is being said, then I sometimes question if I even have Faith in religion in all. Even if I was Atheist, I would still have to be rational and I seem to find myself more irrational lately with my beliefs in existence.

-Matt Tuscher