Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Letter 30

'Whatever man expect they soon come to think they have a right to: the sense of disappointment can, with very little skill on our part, be turned into a sense of injury." Page 166

I thought this was a great quote from Screwtape because I feel that in our society today he is completely right in making such accusations. Today people are often under these false pretenses that they are entitled to things. To a raise, a job, love, friendship, loyalty, forgiveness, etc when in contrary the world owes us nothing. Everything must be earned through hard work, compassion, and patience and even then things are not guaranteed. I can see why Screwtape brought this up in a religious debate becuase when times are hard and you feel you are not giving what you deserve many people often doubt religion and cant imagine how 'if there was a god he would allow this to happen'. If religious times of struggle are supposed to bring you closer to God not create anger toward him becuase he or anyone else haven't given you a handout. However, I feel it has become human nature for us, as Americans mainly, to place the blame onto someone else for the shortcomings of our own lives.


Melissa Purta said...

I love the quote that you chose and think you explained yourself very well. I absolutly agree with you on your last sentence about how people tend to place the blame onto sometone else for the shortcomings of our own lives. How true, unfortunatly. Very good blog, can't wait to be done with the book!

DANNY'S BLOG said...

I agree with you milli. People do make accusations when they have no business doing so. No one owes us anything and assuming someone does can be very disappointing. The sense of someone owing you something can be detrimental to relationships. because everyone is their own person. and any one is free to do whatever they choose.