Monday, May 12, 2008

Screwtape proposes a Toast

I found is alarming when Screwtape described himself along with other demons as 'new tempters feasing on the people they brought to their side and therefore into Hell'. It was different in his other writing in using the words 'feasting' becuase for the first time it shows a negative like connotation on what he is doing with the patient. The same theme was reached on finding the 'good people' in society and dragging them out of their beliefs into the 'dark side'. Although I found his last entry still quite interesting, it kept along with the theme of being difficult to understand, but overall enjoyed the book.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Letter 30

'Whatever man expect they soon come to think they have a right to: the sense of disappointment can, with very little skill on our part, be turned into a sense of injury." Page 166

I thought this was a great quote from Screwtape because I feel that in our society today he is completely right in making such accusations. Today people are often under these false pretenses that they are entitled to things. To a raise, a job, love, friendship, loyalty, forgiveness, etc when in contrary the world owes us nothing. Everything must be earned through hard work, compassion, and patience and even then things are not guaranteed. I can see why Screwtape brought this up in a religious debate becuase when times are hard and you feel you are not giving what you deserve many people often doubt religion and cant imagine how 'if there was a god he would allow this to happen'. If religious times of struggle are supposed to bring you closer to God not create anger toward him becuase he or anyone else haven't given you a handout. However, I feel it has become human nature for us, as Americans mainly, to place the blame onto someone else for the shortcomings of our own lives.

Letter 27

" Don't forget to use the 'heads I win, tails you lose' argument. If the thing he prays for doesn't happen, then that is one more proof that petitionary prayers don't work; if it does, he will, of course, be able to see some of the physical causes which led up to it, and 'therefore it would have happened anyway', and this a granted prayer becomes jsut as good as proof as a denied one taht prayers are ineffective. " Page 148

I thought this was a very interesting idea Screwtape brings up. I feel that today many people do use prayer incorrectly and when they don't see the results they want immediately they then doubt religion. My understanding of prayer is that it should not be used for selfish reasons or even to ask for tangible things. Praying for health and the wellness of others should come before a girl returning to you or for money or a car. Therefore if the patient feels betrayed when he doesn't get what he prays for I think Screwtape has won the battle a long time ago.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Chapter 26

I found it sad when Screwtape told wormwood that by the time time years of marriage come along you will end up hating each other. I found this most sad because in our society where our divorce rate often exceeds 50% it is quite true. He claims that marriage begins with Love but quickly turns into jsut trying to please each others wishes making the love disappear. He states "If each side had been frankly contending for its own real wish, they would all have kept withing the bounds of reason and courtesy...." Although I often don't agree with Screwtape he is right in stating that this would be a huge downfall on the marriage. I don't that unselfishness is ever a complete answer and goal for a marriage. Finding the balance of unselfishness yet maintaining communication is key in not sacrificing one's wants and needs for that of their partner. He claims that "Love is not enough, that charity is needed and not yet achieved and that no external law can supply its place, " which I actually find quite true and important in relationships of any form.

Monday, April 14, 2008

April 14

I find it interesting that one of the number one ways to break the patients religious beliefs and struggles is through inserted the idea of sex and the imagery of a woman into his thoughts. He states that, " His love fo rhte first might involve what the Enemy calls evil, but only accidentally; the man would wish that shew as no someone else's wife and be sorry that he could not love her lawfully." He goes on in saying that the evil is what he wants suggesting that man lusts to be unfaithful which is a common case today. Its frustrating to see so many people today cheat and divorce with any sense of morals and ethics let alone a religious system they claim to believe

Monday, March 31, 2008

Letter 8

Screwtape starts out by saying, " So you have great hopes that the patient's religious phase is dying away." I found this quote to be interesting in that I am sure if someone was observing our religious ways as a society, we would often seem as if our religious phase, too, were dying. At Carthage alone, many people use the excuse of college to no longer go to church, to commit acts of sin, and not really follow any religious affiliation. Would we too, be considered losing our religion? He goes on to explain how humans are half spirit half animal. Killing one's spirit would ultimately be what makes screwtape win.

Letter Twelve of Screwtape

In this letter screwtape is praising Wormwood of his accomplishments but worried about the time in which it is taking him to 'win over' his patient. The letter begins by being almost happy that the patient is still a churchgoer because it allows him to feel as if he is still acting Christian while still getting into his head. Wormwood's goal is to make the patient sin. No matter how small the sin is if he continues to sin he is doing his job. I found this interesting because everyone does indeed sin. It is nearly impossible to live your life without sin. But instead of disowning your religion God is supposed to forgive your sins. Screwtape states "Murder is no better than cards if cards can do the trick." I found this quote interesting in that he is basically saying take any road nessasary to do what needs to be done.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Letter four

I am finding the Screwtape letters in general a lot more interesting now that we had a chance to discuss it in class and it is becoming a lot less confusing of a read. I found letter four exceptionally interesting in what he chose to talk about. On page 16 Screwtape states, " It is funny how mortals always picture us putting things into their minds; in reality our best work is done by keeping things out." Thinking about this is true in that many people would view Satan as corrupting people by placing in just thoughts into their heads instead of just attempting to keep God and the Bible out. I think Screwtape viewing prayer as painful is an interesting take. Prayer is supposed to be Christians connection with God and he is tying it with agony and pain. Being able to stop Christians from this prayer would indeed be cutting off their ties with God. Although I dont really know what I agree with in terms of Christianity I do find the way C.S. Lewis writes very interesting. I think what makes him an excellent writer is that one can take what they want from a book like this whether they be highly relgious or anti- Christian.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Letter Two of Screwtape Letters

I chose to talk about the second letter of The Screwtape Letters because it was after the initial set up of the relationship Screwtape and Wormwood have with each other. I think the way C.S. Lewis writes is extremely entertaining and engages me into a topic I am unsure if I would typically be interested in. However the first couple of letters left me greatly confused as to what was going on. I think I am picking up on that the overall theme is that of more of a satire but the language used often confuses me. I think some of the issues he addresses are very important in religion and individuals struggles to have a faith. This chapter focuses on one of their great allies being the Church itself. I have not been a practicing Catholic in quite some time, but when I did attend Church I remember finding it very hard to fully be engaged in what was going on. I think it was extremely interesting when saying that everything the humans say, even on their knees, is 'parrot talk'. I myself grow skeptical that religion overall has become routine and rehearsed so I can follow his thoughts here.